

Lucrative Tendencies
Name Lucrative Tendencies
Ticker LTDC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Daniel NeverFalter
Members 1
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 98271599

Members [1]


Lucrative Tendencies is a corporation founded to provide pilots with the atmosphere and cooperation essential for obtaining the best possible gaming experience, all while building one's personal revenue and progressing through the desired career path.
We don't ask much from our players, but rather provide the most we can offer to give, without of course being a charity case. All players are expected to have a level of self suffiency.

We're looking for industrialist pilots, with or without an interest in running missions. With that said, we are also interested in pilots who like PvE and running missions ;)

Some info about us:
1. We operate in TS3, with a dedicated server by one of our very own members.
2. We have a variety of highly experienced pilots, always willing to offer fitting advice or the like.
3. We are a friendly bunch, we're serious about how we run the corporation, but capable of enjoying ourselves and the game.

Who we'll accept:

Anyone, regardless of SP, experience, or membership status.

What we'll expect:

Activity, anyone who becomes inactive for more than a week without prior notice will be removed. They will be free to reapply in the future.

If anyone harasses other players, exhibits a seriously negative attitude, uses excessive vulgar language or makes racist remarks, they will be swiftly removed without the chance for future application.

CEO/Founder: Mobiggins Cooper ,
co-CEO: (Spot currently reserved)
Head of Recruitment/Director : Daniel NeverFalter

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 05:14:31
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