

Lulz Cartel
Name Lulz Cartel
Ticker LULC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo pookybro
Members 11
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98160956

Members [11]


Contact Info

Head Diplomat/CEO - pookybro

Recruitment Status - We are open for recruitment

Corporation Channel - Lulz Cartel

Our High Sec Merc contracts are 100% private and we keep the hiring corp confidentiality from outside the contract.

Our Hauling Courier contracts are 100% private and safe. We provide our clients with a guarantee that the delivery will arrive safely in a timely manner.
As of right now, that is strictly within highsec, eventually we want to expand into low/null sec in time.

We have access to lvl 4 missions with full support with free ship/module programs

We provide new pilots with ships/modules/skillbooks, you name it!! We will also help with missioning/mining/manufacturing.

We offer pilots the following
*Team Speak Server
*Missioning (levels 1 through 4)
*Mining (either mine or haul)
*Manufacturing (we make anything)
*Hauling Contracts
*We offer full buy back of any ore you mine (100% Jita value)
*Make millions and millions of isk

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 08:49:14
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