The Lupus Vires Manifesto
We, the founders of Lupus Vires, have learned many things over the years and many of those lessons translate directly into how we choose to organize and execute this corporation. The first and most important lesson is regardless of what you do in game, the community comes first. You must stay true to your principles and not waver from them. They must be the rock on which the organization is built. We will only keep likeminded individuals in the group. In Lupus Vires, only those individuals who can stay committed to our code of conduct will have a long term home. Our code of conduct is simple, direct and easily understandable, but ensures a pleasurable gamign experience for all those who commit to it.
Code of Conduct
1. Mature Players
Working adults and players with families are our core, though anyone 21 or older is welcome to apply. Our goal is a gaming community that lasts without betraying our core principles. We select exclusively from older gamers and/or players with interests outside of 24/7 EVE online. We want players with a balanced perspective, who have an understanding of the time constraints that can affect everyone in the corporation. We know that recruiting players with real lives keeps everything even-keeled and balanced.
2. Respect to Others
We support fun, open communication on voice comms, but deal rather immediately with any abusive or discriminatory statements. What we have little time for is immature, emo raging, L33T speak players who value their own ego over all else. We are a low drama tolerant community. We have zero interest in managing individual player behavior. We assume that a reasonable, mature adult knows where interpersonal boundaries are. A player who repeateadly pushes the envelope, is constantly offensive or just plain annoying will not last.
3. Real Life Comes First
We expect our members to take care of their families and jobs first, and spend their extra fun time with us. I once experienced a situation in the game where a leader of our in game alliance lost their job because they called in sick to work to make a starbase bashing operation. Not only did they lose their job but they lost their spouse. This is not the behavior that we want or encourage. We will make any reasonable accomodation to any player to help them keep their priorities aligned.
4. Communication is Necessary
Teamspeak 3 and our out of game forums are key communication tools that we require our players to utilize to ensure that we are passing along needed information and building the community.
5. Team Focus
People play MMO games to be in and feel part of a team. We expect our players to be willing to take on small duties to assist in the operation of the corporation and to participate in necessary operations to ensure the organization is sustainable in game. Our goal is to keep the obligations light and spread widely accross the organization so that no single person is burned out attempting to take care of everything. Lupus Vires is also focused on combat activities and combat cannot be truly experienced in the game without a team focus.
6. Accessable Leadership
Everything that can reasonably be shared with the general membership is. We welcome participation, and constructive opinions. Leaders have an open door policy. Major decisions are usually made after the members have had a chance to voice their opinions. Like any community, any immediate or critical issues will be handled by top leadership as needed. While our organization is new our leadership has years of corporate and alliance leadership experience.
Read our Website for more information
Join us in Lupus Vox for a chat
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 07:48:12