

Lyrus Associates
The Star Fraction
Name Lyrus Associates
Ticker LYRUS
Alliance The Star Fraction
Faction -
Ceo Ehrine Ashbark
Members 19
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 281154994

Members [19]


There are many corps that say 'yes, we do a bit of everything'. They recruit wildly, taking anyone who can fly a frigate. They aim for generalism, but what they end up is a regressive pool of mediocrity.

We are not like those corps.

We strive for excellence in all aspects of warfare.
From construction to destruction.
In the Markets.
In the Forums
In space.
In the asteroid belts.
In the starbases.
In the outposts.
In your channels.
We are there. And we are better than you.

We mesh together all aspects of warfare at a strategic scale. Everything we do is a seamless part of the whole, and that whole is dedicated to victory. Stand in our way, and serve as our entertainment as we will tear you to shreds on every area you care to battle in, for our own sadistic entertainment.

Lyrus Associates is an elite corp filled with people who are in various ways, all fantastic, amazing, awesome or all three.

Don't even bother applying, you're just not good enough.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 00:39:04
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