

MEC Industrial Cooperative
Name MEC Industrial Cooperative
Ticker MECIC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Aranar Avada
Members 10
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 98772400

Members [10]


MECIC is a new corporation host to players new and experienced. We intend to begin with consistently profiting off of bulk ship sales and eventually work our way up to owning a station.

We are seeking:
*New Players
*Miners (especially ones interested in WH/Low/Nullsec)
*Mission Runners

What we offer:
*Regular mining ops w/ Porpoise support
*Mission Running, We have lvl 4 missions for multiple agents.
*Locust fleets and Spider fleets
*Voice chat (Discord)
*SRP during ops
*Access to alliance ops from mining events to PvP roams
*Ship Doctrines

What we require:
*English Only
*Authorization with our alliance

M - Mining
E - Exploration
C - Construction

Corp focusing on self-suficient industry and cooperation with other corps

Seeking new members!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 23:11:31
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