

MTU Maintenance and Service
Name MTU Maintenance and Service
Ticker MTUMS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Thorian Charante
Members 5
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98632238

Members [5]


u'Welcome to MTU Maintenance and Service

MTU Maintenance and Service (MTUMS) is an independent engineering corporation. We roam New Eden in search for faulty and broken MTUs and will apply fixes immediately. In addition to dealing with faulty MTUs, we also have a 24/7 Drone recovery service.


- "I lost both my Geckos because of some capsuleers coming from an open wormhole, while I was ratting in Vale of the Silent. But MTUMS recovered both of them in no time. Thank you!" ~Anonymous Null-Sec player

- "As I suspected my MTU was faulty because the tractor beam was really really slow (only 1000m/s). So I called MTUMS and they fixed my MTU in no time." ~Anonymous High-Sec mission runner

If you see a broken or faulty MTU floating in space, please send a message with the location to our lead engineer, CEO and founder Thorian Charante. We will take care of the issues asap!

Our services in New Eden is covering the following models:

\u2713 Mobile Tractor Unit
\u2713 \'Packrat\' Mobile Tractor Unit
\u2713 \'Magpie\' Mobile Tractor Unit

We are able to fix the most common MTU problems in no time!

\u2713 Tractorbeam fluxgenerator overheating
\u2713 Issues with the mobile Planck generator
\u2713 Leakage of graviton harmonics
\u2713 Long cycle times and low tractor velocity

Fly safe and beware of faulty MTUs.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:04:09
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