The Mannar Assembly is lead by the Rigovran, Chancellor, who traces his lineage back to the last dynasty of Mannar monarchs of the Mannar races before the Gallente Federation took over control of the Mannar systems.
We are calling all those who can trace their family history back to any of the Mannars to rejoin the kingdom. We are assembling those who want to re-establish the kingdom free of Gallente dictatorship of Souro Foiritan. We shall be ran by constitutional monarchy, and members can re-join the Mannar dynasty as members or corporation. Pilots are to understand where they fall within the ranks and respect one another.
Speak with
Rigovran if you have interests of want to learn more.
*Taking veteran and rookie pilots alike of all styles of play. Loyalty to the Dynasty is of the utmost importance. Now Hiring
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:03:17