Mannequin Masters - In command of spaceships from comfortable chairs.
Membership via invitation only.
\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550Mannequin Masters\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u25ba
\u2560\u2550 Operations in Black Rise and The Forge.
\u2560\u2550 ROE - [0.0-0.4 NBSI] [0.5-1.0 NRDS]
\u2560\u2550 What We Do:-
\u2560\u25ba For Thrills - Daily roams and hunts.
\u2560\u25ba For More Thrills - Find DED Sites.
\u2560\u25ba For Faction Mods - PvE operations.
\u2560\u25ba For The Future - Educate.
\u2560\u25ba For Practice - Weekly PvP tournaments.
\u2560\u25ba For Security - Check local; fit speed tank.
\u2560\u25ba For Cheaper Goods - Industry operations.
\u2560\u2550 What We Offer:-
\u2560\u25ba Voice comms and killboard.
\u2560\u25ba In house logistics.
\u2560\u25ba Corp projects to get involved with.
\u2560\u25ba Well seeded local market.
\u2560\u25ba Ship replacement programs for CTAs.
\u2560\u2550 Who we are looking for:-
\u2560\u25ba Those who want to work together.
\u2560\u25ba Team players who are active on comms.
\u2560\u25ba Pilots who take part in corp activities.
\u2560\u25ba Pilots who demonstrate initiative.
\u2560\u25ba Mature pilots from EUR/US Timezones.
\u2560\u2550 What we are planning:-
\u2560 We have a long term goal of holding
\u2560 sovereignty although, we are currently
\u2560 focussed on combat training existing
\u2560 members while we establish our
\u2560 corporation financially through industrial
\u2560 ventures and exploration jackpots.