

Maverick Coalition
Name Maverick Coalition
Ticker MAV-E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo CocoSoco
Members 5
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98093553

Members [5]


Become part of Maverick Coalition today!

We are an european corp focused in wh exploring, and all the pvp that's involved in it.
- Active alliance with trustworthy people
- Alliance TS3
- Objective based: As a corp, we always have something to reach together. Once we manage to, we set a more important objective.
- PvP oriented: most of our operations will involve potential fights with other players and corporations.
- WH exploration: instead of occupying a single WH and waiting for sites to spawn in, we scout around for good exploitable wh's around our base, then we settle in with a temporary pos for a couple hours and have a mining team together with a mobile escort for running combat sites, ready to aid the miners should attackers come in.
- Lowsec roams: will be performed for training recruits in pvp, and, when larger fleet ops occur, we'll be able to scout for PLEXES and run them as well.
- Personal Player Owned Station. As long as you agree to always participate to defend all the corp's POS'es, you have the chanche to have your very own personal base in highsec/lowsec, YOU choose what to anchor and what to use it for.
-New player friendly! You're new to the game, don't know what's best to fly in what occasion, and what you should fit to your ship? You'll find all the help you need here.

What we are looking for:
- Eu timezone players
- When it comes to pvp, Gallente and Amarr vessels pilots (or anything that's fit for armor tank) are preferred
- For WH exploration, we are looking for combat pilots, miners, gas harvesters and probers
- Industrials are more than welcome, but if they choose to make use of the corporation assets, they will have to participate in defening them, should it be needed.

Recruitment contacts: Maxx86, Annarky

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 21:24:33
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