

Maximum Q
Name Maximum Q
Ticker MXQ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Victor Bieffar
Members 2
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98320050

Members [2]


Maximum Q is a multi-faceted democratic organization. Max Q is primarily industrial but has room for a wide range of activities.

Members are expected to be honest and upstanding. Scamming or other dishonest activities are not permitted. High security piracy is not permitted.

Maximum Q is named after an aerospace engineering term for maximum dynamic pressure, often referred to as maximum Q or max Q. Dynamic pressure, q, is defined as q = (1/2)pv^2, where p is the local air density and v is velocity.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 01:14:35
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