

Me. My Alt. and I
Name Me. My Alt. and I
Ticker 1-ALT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Falcon DeLe Funaila
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98426070

Members [2]


Who We Are

Me. My Alt. and I, is a collection of friends, hell-bent on enjoying EvE to the fullest. We will do whatever we feel like doing, within the confines of the CCP EULA. Sometimes, that may make another pilot, feel some sort of way. We are not here to hand you your teddy bear, and tell you everything will be ok. We will do as we wish, when we wish, subject to the Code of Conduct below.

Code of Conduct

High Sec PvP

Any vessel piloted by someone under 6 months of age will not be attacked. We are not here to grief other players who are new to this universe. Everyone started somewhere, and it sucks when someone makes life hard on you. We are not that big on podding people, as we never really like to kick a person, when they are down. No pilot will be podded, unless a quick ride back to the clone bay is requested by the pilot in question, or a Me. My Alt. and I pilot is attacked.

In most circumstances, a Me. My Alt. and I, pilot will not fire the opening salvo. The exception to this, will be in instances where our pilots have been attacked by a hostile corp before hand, and we are now serving up our revenge, on a frosty platter.

Every corp who engages a Me. My Alt. and I pilot in aggression will be added to our contact list, as -10 standing. This is not to say that we don't love and value the corp in question, it is only to serve as a warning to other Me. My Alt. and I pilots, that you may be an aggressor, and no quarter should be given.

We hope we can still still be besties though.

Low Sec and Null Sec PvP

Low sec and null sec is not for the faint of heart. You accept the risks when you enter, and pass into low sec space. The risk you take is that you will be webbed, scrammed, fired upon, podded, and sent screaming back to your clone bay. We embrace these risks, as do you. If we encounter any individual in low or null sec, we will engage that pilot at our sole discretion.


Me. My Alt. and I, will mine at our convenience. It is our policy to practice active mining, and a pilot will be present, during the course of the operation. In the event of an attack by a hostile corp, it is our policy, that, should a ship loss occur, we will message and email the hostile pilot, en mass, and tell them how much we enjoyed the experience, and ask them if we can meet up for drinks, and sexy times later.

The Chilled Vengeance Initiative

Me. My Alt. and I, is a young corp with young members. We realize we are an enticing target, and we still feel ok about that. We believe that our revenge will be best served chilled, then dipped in the saline tears of the pilots that we lay to rest. This is our promise to those that test our mettle; When we come for you, and we will come for you, you will struggle, you will attempt to fight, you will attempt to flee, and in the end, all of this will be futile. We will destroy your vessel, we will pod your clone, we will collect your frozen corpse, and we will sell it in local chat, to the lowest bidder. This is our promise, we are, Me. My Alt. and I.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 23:38:23
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