

Mensus Eram Coelos
Name Mensus Eram Coelos
Ticker MTSKY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Aelwine
Members 3
Tax Rate 3.5%
corporationID 98400775

Members [3]



We are a laid-back collection of pioneers, industrialists, mission runners and friends.

\u27bd All timezones welcome.

\u27bd No mandatory operations, no forced mining, no forced comms! Come online whenever you want and do whatever you want.

\u27bd New / Trial players welcome.

EVE is your sandbox - we want to help you enjoy it.

We are a member of the Warped Intentions Alliance.

If the above wasn\'t enough to entice you, we can offer you:

\u27bd Free ships / skillbooks / items for newer players.

\u27bd Orca boosted mining operations.

\u27bd Ore buy-back programs & ship replacement programs.

\u27bd A wide range of fleet operations.

\u27bd Wormhole/planetary interaction/exploration experience and opportunities.

\u27bd Gas and Ice mining locations.

\u27bd PVP opportunities in null sec.

\u27bd We have a TS3 server for communication (but you\'re not forced to use it).


\u27bd We require a full, non expiring API key (we can help with this).

\u27bd We follow the NRDS (Not Red, Don\'t Shoot) policy.


Diplomacy Contact: Adarian Makaan

Recruitment Contacts: Adarian Makaan / Kane Belvar / corrupted steve

Recruitment Channel:
MTSKY Recruit '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 03:54:22
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API J:20 Mar 11:36 K:20 Mar 11:36 C:20 Mar 11:52 A:20 Mar 11:40 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Mar 11:35 S:20 Mar 11:41 W:20 Mar 10:15