

MewMew Mining
Name MewMew Mining
Ticker MEWCO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ay'phid Azzure
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1325408075

Members [4]


Welcome to MewMew Corporation
Currently Trading as 'MewMew Mining'

HQ: Jouvulen, Caldari
With Offices In Other Regions & Outposts in WH space.

MewMew Corp is a small, private corp specializing in ore and gas extraction in mid to high security systems, ore refining, wormhole operations, salvage and small scale manufacture. MewMew is founded on strong Caldari business traditions, we hold no political leanings or bias. MewMew was founded by the children of the Dusette family in early 2010 with family interests in mind.

We do not offer services to the general public, and service only ourselves and our friendly/allied corporations for the time being. Please direct any queries or questions to our CEOs.

Company CEO: Dani Dusette
Foreman & Director of Mining: Verek Dusette

Recruiting is currently Closed.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 19:50:54
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