

Name MicroFunks
Ticker FUNKU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo JumpStar III
Members 6
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 243697523

Members [6]


70's Funk band on reunion tour. Pack your tower heels, shoulder pads and star-shaped glasses, it's time for a cow bell overload. If you want to witness this for yourself, if your Kung Fu is strong, and if you can Find the office, maybe you should hire yourself to "The Microfunks" General Skullduggery Corporation. Recruiting now!

- We offer Training In all aspects of Eve PvP with dedicated mentors for new members
- Piracy, counter-piracy, 0.0 raids. Come and live in the arsehole of new eden where all of this is within arms reach.
- Ship and module Replacement Programs (FREE STUFF)
- Organised PvP Ops lead by Professional Funk Officers
- Killboard
- Forums
- Out Of Game Voicecomms
- 0.0 Opportunites for Advanced members
- True Love
- Eternal life
- All your dreams come true

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 05:58:57
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