

Militaris Industries
Northern Coalition.
Name Militaris Industries
Ticker UDEAD
Alliance Northern Coalition.
Faction -
Ceo SoraXIII
Members 87
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 323998201

Members [87]


We are a nullsec based corp that focuses on small scale PvP. A proud member of Northern Coalition. We are active in all timezones but mainly EU.

We are a well run corp with a long history and we plan on keeping it that way. We do it all or Die Trying! We pride ourselves on efficiency and tenacity. We are independent, loyal & unforgiving!

Recruitment is selective but we do take on worthy new pilots. We are always looking for mature members who show a willingness to learn and adapt. Military personnel & parents are ALWAYS WELCOME! We take pride in allowing our members to grow and learn. All Recruitment questions can be directed to SoraXIII

Pub Channel: UDEAD Public
Discord: UDEAD Discord

Must have:
- 10mil SP+
- 500+ Kills

- More than one character
- Ability to fly caps
- Know someone in NC.

Directors: Tyddewi, Gematica
Founder: ajduB

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 08:07:49
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