

Military Assault Combat Operations
Name Military Assault Combat Operations
Ticker MACO.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo cjmclaughlin
Members 4
Tax Rate 8.5%
corporationID 1536249605

Members [4]


Military Assault Combat Operations is a growing corporation with a strong moral value and long history of fine pilots. We stand for jusitce, honor and hard work. We provide a positive military enviroment for our pilots.

- We are currently recruiting all types of pilots -

We require all types of pilots. We enforce compulsory website membership and teamspeak attendance when logged in.

We provide regular mission and mining ops with comptetent FC's We welcome both veteran pilots and new pilots and can also provide training for any career path!

For more information please join our channel MACO Public where someone will be willing to help you!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 10:13:56
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