

Miners Coalition Force
Name Miners Coalition Force
Ticker M.C.F
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Christobahl
Members 2
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1601246201

Members [2]


Chain of Command.
General-Sakura Kishimo
Mining Division CO-Onereeh
Production Division CO-
Mission Running Division CO-Veronica Damask
Defense Force Division CO-wiggins08
Intelligence Division CO-

We are doing open recruiting to fill in these divisions.
Mining Division
Production Division
Mission Running Division
Defense Force Division
Training Division (Only for first time EVE players)

Requirements to join.
1.Vent with workable mic
2.Dedicated to the corps cause and not ones own
3.Must be mature
4.Follow corp rules

Corp Rules.
2.Be respectful to other players
3.Use the chain of command
4.Remember it's a game so have fun

Description of what each division does.

Mining Division.
This is the backbone of the corp. Without it we're nothing. This division is completely responsible for providing the corps ore and minerals needed for our Production Division. Daily mining operations will be planned by the Head of the division to keep the miners busy so they dont get bored. Also the miners will recieve a share of the ore they mined as payment to do with as they please. Any salvage, ammo, or equipment from rats will be transfered to the Production Division for Various uses.

Poduction Division.
This division is responsible for the production of ships, ammo, ship equipment, and parts needed to help keep the corp self sufficient. Also this division will provide itself with its own funds by selling half of the productions made to the market then split between the members of this division.

Mission Running Division.
This division is self sufficient as its members are payed for each mission they complete.Also a 5% tax deduction will be taken from their rewards to help fund the corps many ongoing and planned activities. Any unwanted equipment, ammo, or salvage will be transfered to the Production Division for various uses.

Defense Force Division.
This division will be the army of the corp it will provide protection for all members/operations when needed and will also help train new recruits to adapt them to PVP. They will receive payment according to what they were ordered to protect. EX.(A mining operation=payed in ore, mission running=payed by the missions reward money, and wars=payed by what you get from the dead guys ship.) Bonuses might be included depending on the circumstances.

Intelligence Division
The Intelligence Division is responsible for gathering intel on various things from atifacts to enemy battlestrengths. This unit is composed of explorers, scouts, and covert ops pilots.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 01:53:41
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