

MiniMe Inc
Name MiniMe Inc
Ticker MNIME
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo MetalShard
Members 3
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 835050725

Members [3]


Current Operating Area: Sinq Laison Region, Gallente Federation

Occupations Welcome: Explorers, Miners, Carrier/Haulers, Builders, Mission Runners, General PvE, and PvP

History: MiniMe Inc was founded by MetalShard and Ausha back in October 2005 as a small corp for family and friends. in early 2006 the corp went idle as MetalShard and Ausha placed their clones in stasis for an extended period. The revival of there clones in July of 2011 led to the revival of the corp.

Mission: To assist, protect, and show respect and honor to all members of the corp. All while turning a profit and furthering the enjoyment of New Eden.

Recruitment: Not currently recruiting.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 15:50:32
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