

Minmatar Munitions
Electus Matari
Name Minmatar Munitions
Ticker MNMU
Alliance Electus Matari
Faction -
Ceo Ravemore Achnuman
Members 101
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98591300

Members [101]


"We are Minmatar Munitions. Sacrifice through service" (Sacrifice per ministerium)

Age 18 and older, must be at least 6 months old in Eve, 5 mil SP, and speak english. You must have killboard activity and some green. Home Station is Trytedald - Zion. Discord & Mumble required. Alliance Auth!. No Amarrians... We will beat you up and take your lunch money. Currently hiring Minmatar Militia Pilots. You will be required to be in the war zone weekly, and at least once a month take part in an Alliance fleet roam. No activity for an extended period will result in a "pink slip". We do mining and light industrial/PVE/Exploration activity on the side. That is not our focus though. We also run a market in high security space.

If interested, submit an application.

* Anti-piracy and Anti-Trig
* Minmatar Militia
* Mining Director Support
* Industrial and Market Activities
* Freighter, Jump Freighter & Bowhead Support
* PVE, PVP, Fleet
* High Sec and Null Sec Space
* Light Roleplay
* 1,200 + Unique Corp BPO's useable by members
* SRP, Rank, Bounties

Recruitng Video

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-31 02:00:20
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