

Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
Name Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Ticker MCAV.
Alliance Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
Faction -
Ceo Lily Fera
Members 153
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98504356

Members [153]


MCAV is a combined corps of what was R3d Fire and Jenk Corp

If you need to talk to leadership/an adult: Dexter Annages If he is not around, you need to find someone with a knight title (of some kind). If you direct your communication to the line members (cavarly) you deserve whatever is coming to you.
If you are interested in recruitment here is our public chat for good measure: mcav-public

"We're relevant by attrition" - Tim Nering

"well they cant handle fighting any wormhole enitys to scared to get evicted so they gotta fight miners in nullsec" - DracoVella

"Obnoxiously Active" - EveWho

"What!?!?!?" - Markj2

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 16:05:09
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