In YC114, a prolonged Sansha incursion depopulated the planet of
Esmes III. Survivors migrated to neighbouring planets, and a fear of recurrence overrode any desire to rebuild. The city of Semes from the highest skyscraper to the smallest cottage home stands empty.
In YC120, capsuleer Franco Phonaga discovered an observation post in orbit of
Aetree IV. The observation platform's data bursts were encrypted by code Doctor Scherezad determined to be of Nation origin.
In YC121, the
Nadire District Parliament exercised its
franchise powers to secure a Shipping & Security provider aligned with the values of its member states and the greater Federation. NADSC exists to provide anti-pirate services to the Nadire District.
"Self-described patriots have called the Federation the 'promised land,' though I have always agreed with our critics: we are anything but. We who were born here, who have lived here, who have loved our many nations know this truth. The Federation is the lands of promises. We speak them, we build them, we break them - our due is not certainty nor comfort. Ours is our devotion to one another. Our promises are made to each other, and it is together we will keep them."- President
Jen Yiona IC Public Channel:
Symposium - New Eden OOC Public Channel:
NADSC Outreach For more information, visit
our GalNet portal.
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 16:27:32