

Naval Defence Academy
Naval Defence Alliance
Name Naval Defence Academy
Ticker NLDA
Alliance Naval Defence Alliance
Faction -
Ceo William Adtur
Members 219
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98698177

Members [219]


Naval Defence Academy is fun and low-key community geared towards teaching new players how to fight and thrive in EVE, with the objective of training to join the ranks of one of the best PVP corporations in the game. Join our public channel: Navy-Pub or join our Navy Discord!

Who We Are

Naval Defence Academy was originally founded in 2017. Since then, leadership has trained and graduated literally hundreds of players to fight and make money in EVE. We pride ourselves on focusing on having fun in New Eden and building a community that goes beyond fighting and making ISK, although we do a lot of both.

We operate out of the North American and European timezones and speak primarily English and have a German-speaking group.

Navy Leadership
- Commanding Officer: William Karant
- Executive Officer: Matt Fulcher
- Chief of Diplomacy: Ylava Saraki
- Chief of Recruiting: Sonstein

Recruiting New Pilots
If you are a new or older player looking for a tight community, message us anytime. We are recruiting new players: Join Our Navy: A Home For New Players Join our public channel: Navy-Pub or join our Navy Discord today!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 18:01:28
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