

Naval Defence Operations
Naval Defence Institute
Name Naval Defence Operations
Ticker NLDO
Alliance Naval Defence Institute
Faction -
Ceo William Kaleken
Members 66
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98535184

Members [66]


Naval Defence Operations is an alternate corporation. Join our public channel: Navy-Pub or join our Discord!

Who We Are

We are an alternate corporation for Naval Defence Force.

Corporation Leadership
- Commanding Officer: William Karant
- Executive Officer: Matt Fulcher
- Chief of Diplomacy: Ylava Saraki
- Chief of Recruiting: Sonstein

Recruiting New Pilots
If you are a new or returning pilot or if you are a more experienced pilot, join our Force: Calling all Pilots. Join our public channel: Navy-Pub or join our Discord today!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 08:29:38
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