

Nega Nebulas.
Name Nega Nebulas.
Ticker NNCHN
Alliance -
Faction Minmatar Republic
Ceo isk hold
Members 85
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98178923

Members [85]


u'A tiny PVE corp

CEO\uff1a dark fancy
Diplomat/\u5916\u4ea4\u5b98\uff1a dark fancy

Recruitment status: [CLOSED]
\u516c\u5171\u9891\u9053/Public chat: dark\u7684\u9ed1\u7164\u7a91


Our requirement\uff1a
*Submit ESI
*More than two weeks of game experience
*Comply with company and alliance rules


(\u256f\xb0\u53e3\xb0)\u256f (\uff89\uff65\u03c9\uff65)\uff89\uff9e (\uff89\u2267\u2200\u2266)\uff89


\u30fd(\uff40\u2312\xb4\u30e1)\u30ce '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 09:30:53
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