

Net 7
Name Net 7
Ticker NET 7
Alliance Cannon.Fodder
Faction -
Ceo DaReaper
Members 52
URL http://Coming Soon TM
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 772976490

Members [52]


We PVP, mine, build and explore on our path to our own Dominion.

We are founded on a principal from a long lost radio transmission. A transmission with words of an unknown orgin. A place where Progen, Jenquai, and Terrans lived side by side, and fought the V'rix. And where an Evil Alliance of unforseen nature snuffed out that place in a instant... yet one transmission survived...
"This is Net 7 News..."

Your limited api key is a must for all applications.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 09:18:15
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