

Neutral Born Killers
Name Neutral Born Killers
Ticker .NBK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Keith Grieves
Members 6
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98624178

Members [6]


u'Neutral Born Killers is a PVP/PVE corporation

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Recruitment Status: OPEN

Neutral Born Killers - Pilots wanted

From the ashes of EvE, a group of capsulers seeking to restore old fashion sandbox gameplay and build PVP collective without dozens of Blues. We are playing and fighting to write-up fantastic stories which will become the legacy of New Eden

# In-game goals and unstressed role-play

* Staging area in High sec
* PvP events and doctrines
* Active leadership
* Development plans and academy for new players

# What we are looking for:

* New player-friendly, you need to have Omega or 1 mil SP as an Alpha.
* Working coms: Microphone, Discord. And be active in comms.
* Desire to PVP - you need to be sure that PvP is your gameplay style
* Keep in hangar minimal set-up from the doctrines ships
* Willingness to the game and learn new things
* Mature mentality - we don\u2019t care. how old you are\u2026

# For new pilots:

* In house training
* Compensation of training losses
* Help with PvE

* Main requirements:

* Be active in discord and voice comms
* Have no fear and take pvp whenever you can

#How to find us:

.NBK Public'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 07:12:10
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