

New Eden CapsuIeer College
Higher Education
Name New Eden CapsuIeer College
Ticker NECC1
Alliance Higher Education
Faction -
Ceo ChancelIor JuIius Aeon
Members 1
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98651684

Members [1]


New Eden has struggled for years to properly educate it's aspiring and fledgling pod pilots on what they should expect and how to efficiently and painlessly do what interests them. For a time the powers that be filled those shoes reasonably well, however as time and technology marches ever onward those efforts are starting to fall short. This is a primary driver of the creation of NECC, which will strive to educate using modern tools and techniques to have the greatest impact and bring our new players up to speed more quickly. We want to teach you to be the best so that you might provide a challenge to others and thus raise the skill ceiling across the board.

If this sounds appealing to you feel free to send an application to join us or drop some isk here. We vow that all proceeds shall be used to improve our offerings in every way possible, to compensate the best instructors, fund creation of the most comprehensive materials, and to provide the basic necessary gear for new players to get out there and learn with. Thank you for your time and consideration and fly dangerously. o7

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 16:59:22
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