

New Eden Heavy Industries Incorporated
Name New Eden Heavy Industries Incorporated
Ticker NEHII
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Allison Draven
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98469116

Members [4]


New Eden Heavy Industries is focused on industry and commerce across New Eden. NEHII will also engage in combat against pirates, especially Serpentis agents and fleets. We currently do not PvP, but if we get enough pilots with that interest, we will expand into PvP missions and activities. We are not currently in an Alliance, nor are we War Eligible, so if PvP is not your thing, you're safe (or as safe as you can be) in Eve Online with us.

We are looking for players who are interested in the mining and industry side of the game. We would like for you to have these minumums either before you join or add these to your skill queue and train them within a reasonable time after joining:

Science 4, Mining 4, Industry 3, Reprocessing 4, Astrogeology, Mining Drone Operation, Mining Upgrades, Plagioclaise Reprocessing, Pyroxeres Reprocessing, Scordite Reprocessing, Veldspar Reprocessing, and Mass Production.

NOTE: Though some of these skills are Omega only skills, we do not discriminate against Alpha pilots and if you're currently an Alpha, you're free to join as well.

To get you started, we will provide you with a Medium Freight Container with the following items:

(1) Venture-class mining frigate, (2) EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser, (1) 1MN Afterburner I, (1) Survey Scanner I, (1) Mining Laser Upgrade I, and (2) Mining Drone I.

You will have limited access to the corpration wallet until a probationary period has passed. We have weekly HIGH SEC mining operations and run missions regularly. You are encouraged, but it's not required, to participate in these weekly mining runs to help the corp grow. I fly an Orca-class Industrial Command Ship on these mining ops and the protocol is everyone mines until the Orca is full, then keeps everything else for themselves. The FC of these ops, usually me, will call the type of asteroid to be mined based on the needs of the corporation.

We have a 5% tax rate. These taxes are used to buy ships that we cannot produce for ourselves for members (mainly battleships and higher), construct modules, ammo, and pay for research and such. We are working towards buying a station of our own, so these taxes help with that as well.

We have a discord for voice comms and you're encouraged, but it's not required, that you join the discord and let us hear your beautiful voice. We use this during mining ops, but, more often and more critically, we use it during mission running. Information on the discord will be given once you join.

We welcome everyone who wants to play the game. We leave real world politics behind and we don't tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, name calling, religion, or anything else that is a "hot button" topic. We are here to have fun.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 00:29:37
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