

New Eden Mining and Industry Inc.
Name New Eden Mining and Industry Inc.
Ticker NEMAI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Caldari Citizen 92614292
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98144071

Members [4]


Welcome to New Eden Mining and Industry. We are a new Corporation and are currently excepting pilots of any type and skill level, anyone may join, although we do have a focus on Mining and Industry, primarily manufacturing and trade. We look forwards to move into many more areas as the Corp evolves.

For those who are interested in Corporation building there is room for advancement, and New Players may receive Free ships, Modules, and Skill Books to help them, as well as help with Missions.

Profit Sharing and Share Holding are available to all members. We will be Conducting Mining Operations that all Members may take part in, and thus take part in the profits.

If you are interested in finding a place where you can move up in Eve, make a difference, and a place where your voice Counts, the NEMAI may be a good place for you. Consitent Contribution brings with it many rewards.

We look forward to any applications. All applications will be answered quickly and promptly.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 22:26:22
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