

New Eden Resource Reserve
Name New Eden Resource Reserve
Ticker NEWRR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jose Almaria
Members 6
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98523351

Members [6]


New Eden Resource Reserve provides natural resource Procurement, Allocation, and Distribution throughout Emipre Space. We constantly track market values and procure and relocate resources in an effort to help maintain consistent prices on various natural resources throughout Empire Space and meet the needs of industry and clients.

We distribute our goods in carefully selected areas that allow for easy transportation, and in many cases on site Standup Reprocessing Facility and Standup Manufacturing Plant at cost effecient NPC or Player stations.

If you require raw resources in your area of space mail Jenny Jane Jones with your needs and your market location. Not all demands can be met but we will try to accomodate as many requests as possible.

We are also avaiiable to help with moon mining operations. We can mine your ores while you sit back and relax. For every four loads we haul you get one in return. Rates negotiable.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 21:13:27
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