

New Eden Training on Speed
Name New Eden Training on Speed
Ticker NETOS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dace Cad
Members 2
Tax Rate 3.5%
corporationID 98587377

Members [2]


u'New and Returning Capsuleers rejoice!
has got your back.

EVE never gave you a tutorial so good. It also never gave you a proper tutorial, but in any case...

All your new Capsuleer questions answered and more.
\u25a0 We offer training in all the core mechanics of EVE, teach you how to survive in the vast void of space, and show you a multitude of ISK making and fun career paths available to you in New Eden, all done in a short 4+/- week training course. You are free to leave when you want, but are rewarded upon graduation, If you wish you can be provided referrals towards various established Corps across several career paths.
\u25a0 We also often offer stand-alone lessons in Career Agent systems, or advertised in Fleet as a "NETOS Lesson Fleet"

Training is carefuly crafted to cover a lot of valuable information in a short amount of time, and much effort is put into every lesson and info-mail, thus, so those who need it receive it, we ask that you only apply to the program or join lesson fleets if you meet the following prerequisites:

Prerequisites for Trainees:
-> Must genuinely be a new player or one lacking in EVE knowledge
-> Must be in Discord for voice comms in English
-> Must be willing to learn

Looking for:
-> New and Returning Capsuleers willing to learn
-> Seasoned Capsuleers willing to teach and contribute towards the future of New Eden

Join the NETOS Public Channel to chat us up and request more info before applying.

Check out our NETOS Website to find out more.

\u2666 Disclaimer: NETOS will not join any Corp or Alliance, but does offer its services objectively. Please feel free to read more on our Website.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 14:41:58
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