

New Jupiter Mining Corporation
Name New Jupiter Mining Corporation
Ticker NJMC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sentience Sci
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1856283766

Members [3]


The Jupiter Mining Corporation (or JMC) is a private company who deals in mining ore from planets or asteroids, and transporting them to other solar systems.

The JMC commissioned the building of several Dwarfstar-class transport ships, including the Red Dwarf and the Blue Dwarf.

The JMC employ personnel trained by the Space Corps to crew and maintain their ships.

The JMC was established on a spacestation orbiting Jupiter but houses it's main offices in Grimsby, UK, Earth. The corporation felt that it's staff were too distracted by the eye-catching view of Jupiter's swirling gas surface that it relocated most of it's employees to somewhere with no eye-catching scenery whatsoever.

The CEO of the Jupiter Mining Corporation is Willy Eckerslike, a Yorkshire-born Englishman with a gruff manner and unstable temper.

Sentience Sci reformed the corporation as the New Jupiter Mining Corporation or (NJMC) after the connection to Earth was lost with the same ethos and goals as the original corporation.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 17:43:19
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