

Next-door Neighbor
Name Next-door Neighbor
Ticker SUGA-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo 5urg30n G3n3ral
Members 1
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 342005653

Members [1]


u"\u2620 Next-door Neighbor \u2620
Look for a few dirty bastards for dastardly deeds. Apply within \u201cSUGA-\u201d

\u25cb10mil sp min
\u25cbNo problem going -10 [PvP Only]
\u25cbwillingness to learn and be active
\u25cbHigh-sec / Low-Sec
\u25cbSRP in place

Mission Statement:

The purpose of our Corporation, first and foremost is to have fun. The main focus of Next-door Neighbor is to be a competitive Fighting force....

...Capable of sustaining large combat operations in a proficient and disciplined fashion, while also being able to form smaller fighting forces to cover multiple operations. If the conduct that is expected of you as a member of Next-door Neighbor prevents you from having fun, or you do not enjoy the discipline expected of a SUGA- Member, then please consider joining one of our other various Divisions. If you are still not satisfied, then you may wish to seek another Corporation. This may be a harsh statement, but we would prefer you to be happy with another Corporation, rather than being miserable within our corp. It will save us both time and effort, and everyone will be happier in the long run. We are gamers who enjoy each other's fellowship, and respect each other's contributions to furthering our gaming experience as a whole. We each help one another in all aspects of gameplay. We play with maturity and with courtesy towards our fellow Members and others, & understand that RL will always trump EvE..

SUGA- has the following Organization Divisions:
- Combat Company / PVP
- Ice Harvesters / Mission runners 'Gallente' / Salvaging Company
- Covert Ops / Recon Company

- Ability to earn rank and gain leadership
- Work as a member of a team and gain combat experience
- Training and help to improve your skills in whatever career path you chose

Only those who are sincere and English speaking need apply.

Next-door Neighbor Recruitment Channel: SUGA-

*********HIGH_SEC / LOW_SEC**********

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 08:41:50
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