

Nictus X
Name Nictus X
Ticker -N.X-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Timmy Noncon
Members 7
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98085240

Members [7]


Hero for a day, Nictus FOREVER!

learn teamwork to overcome any obstacle!

CEO - Demonos Silentium (EUTZ)
CO-CEO - Talerco (EUTZ)
Diplo - Literia (USTZ)
Main Recruiters - Literia (USTZ)

Nictus X is a small corporation living in Querious. Our goal has always been to provide a fun and successful environment to pvp in and to provide our newer members with all the information they need to survive and thrive in nullsec space. We are mainly EU tz corp but have members from all over. We are willing to take experienced and inexperienced members alike.


+ Must be motivatated towards pvp.
+ Must be willing to merge with our tight group of pvpers and learn our methods.
+ Must be willing to get into mumble and have a working mic.
+ Must be willing to provide a limited api key.

What we offer

+ Access to alliance fleets in all timezones.
+ Confident/Experienced and understanding FC's.
+ We understand that real life comes first, that said, if you are online we will be pushing you to participate on ops.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 02:39:09
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API J:15 Mar 05:37 K:15 Mar 05:34 C:15 Mar 06:14 A:15 Mar 06:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:15 Mar 06:12 S:15 Mar 05:31 W:15 Mar 05:14