

Noble House Inc.
Caldari Alliance
Name Noble House Inc.
Ticker -NHI-
Alliance Caldari Alliance
Faction -
Ceo KayLe
Members 38
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 161990903

Members [38]


Welcome to the Whirlwind, grab a ship, grab a shovel, grab a gun, get to building your future, hollar if you need assistance.
Noble House Inc Public

We are a player orientated Corporation and love to share our enthusiasm and joy of Eve Online with all our mates.

Because our corporation is a diverse organization and consist of all types of pilots, both Alpha and Omega clones, we DO NOT have a Skill point requirement. We have training plans for doctrines that WILL be used :-)

We are a Low Sec based corp and we are comfortable everywhere and will teach you how to operate effectively at every level and location in Eve Online.

Should you decide to join us, you will be amongst master industrialists, great combat pilots, intrepid explorers, and all-around awesome mates who will kick ass and take names with you and patch you up when you get scuffed up.

In the event that you need to make a complaint please file your grievance here

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 00:26:18
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