

Noobs for Ethnical Treatment of Scrubs
Sigma Grindset
Name Noobs for Ethnical Treatment of Scrubs
Ticker NETSO
Alliance Sigma Grindset
Faction -
Ceo Soviet Elmo
Members 99
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 98486364

Members [99]


u'New Eden\'s most awesome Corporation!

We\'re a PVP focused, social & fun Corporation consisting of our crazy group of New Eden misfits - a fun group of casual PVPers that enjoy small & medium gang PVP, looking to leave their mark in this universe!

We value and prioritize fun for all above all else, and we have no real aim in-game other than to have fun & to do so together.

Interested in joining? \u2192Check us out here\u2190

For contact, poke "sovietelmo" on Discord.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 23:03:14
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