

Name Nucleotide
Ticker NCOT3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Admiral Tintin
Members 9
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98415879

Members [9]


Nucleotide is a Null Sec based group of people from all over the world. We are focused on enhancing our location and providing increasing levels of support, space structures and abundant ISK-earning opportunities for our members.

And we are VERY SELECTIVE in who we invite in - please keep that in mind.

Admiral Tintin (Founder and CEO, in-game since 2004) and KodiakR6 - formerly Imperator Ceasar - (Vice-CEO, Diplomat and Fleet Commander, est. 2006) have been in Eve for years together, and together with the experience of our other members, we have a lot to offer to recruits. Both of these corporation leaders have run and led several alliances, lived in WH, Low Sec & 0.0 space extensively, operated corporations of 50 to 150 members, and have commanded large fleets (1000+ ships) into battle in years past.

Additionally, leaders such as Nicholi Onformaris (est. 2007) and Feshara Dolvas (est. 2007) have extensive Eve experience and we are all here to help each other.

- Respect & Responsible (the Golden Rule)
- Be Loyal to our crew
- Zero-Tolerance for Asshatery and Immature Behavior
- Your word is your bond - do what you say you'll do and follow through

What We Offer:
- Null Sec, Low Sec and High Sec Operations
- Null sec security and friendly alliances and coalition
- Once current plans are put in place we will have up to 500 pilots with us
- Ample ISK-earning opportunities
- Extensive ship construction capabilities
- Experienced members with a wide variety of skills and knowledge
- Fun laid back environment (with some low-level expecations)
- Serving CAN-USA-UK-EU-AUS time zones
- Decent, ethical honest members who work well with others
- Zero-Tolerance for DRAMA, asshats or interpersonal disputes

Operations We Engage In:
- PvP, PVE opportunities
- High Sec Operations
- Null Sec Operations
- Wormhole Closer & Exploration
- PVE Null operations
- Mining and manufacturing ( Null & HS )
- Trade & production orders from other corporations
- Transport services
- Escort, PvP and similar operations
- Anti-Pirate Ops and Raids on hostile corporations and alliances

Recruits We Are Looking For:
- PvP 7+ MILL SPs, Indy / Support +5 MILL SPs
- Consistent Eve time, but (you) will put family and life first before gaming
- Cooperative membership
- Willing to have trial membership period outside of Null space (for obvious intel/security reasons)
- Members who are self-directed and do not need to be micromanaged
- Giving, mature and unselfish
- Group-focused so that we all succeed, not just a few who do
- Ethical, moral members who know what the "right thing" is, and actually act and behave
consistently with hgher ethical stanndards
- Drama-free, low stress individuals get along with others

Recruitment Process:
- JOIN our recruitment channel, 104TH / NUCLEOTIDE HUB
- Run some test operations with members outside of our Null Sec base
- Submit a list of references in Eve that we can talk to
- Thorough background check are completed by Corp Leaders
- FULL API Required For Consideration Of Applications
- Provisional / Trial membershilp for 90 days
- We reserve the right to kick disruptive abusive members without notice

Should you fit the above-outlined member qualities and decide to join us, we will treat you right and we expect the same from you!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 22:43:04
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