

O.N.I. Special Weapons Development
Name O.N.I. Special Weapons Development
Ticker O.N.I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Luna Dax
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1877205463

Members [5]


O.N.I. Special Weapon Development

Corporation Type: Weapons Research and Development
CEO: More than one
Alignment: Neutral, Independent
Currently Recruiting: Yes
Requirements: Noobs and Veterans Welcome.
R&D: Classified
Members: Classified
Contracts: Pending
Number of Ships: Classified
Motto: "Everything and Everyone has a price, What's yours?


Corp Bennifits:

* FREE fully Fit SHIP for mining or mission, (Cruisers and Frigs on Joining. Barges/BC's 1 week membership and participation, Exhumers/BS's 1 Month of Participation and Membership)

* Ships baught Directly from the Corp are 25% lower then Market value.

* 25% pay off any ship project's completed if you participate in Ops regualarly. (if the ship sells for 1 bil the Miners who participated in the Op's for it receive 250 mil split between them)

* Shp Replacement, as long as your ship doesnt get blown up for something stupid well replace it.


Neutral Corporation, Bent on complete Technological Domination and Supremacy. Will stop at nothing to acquire new technologies. Also delegates ship and member assets under contract to both Defense and other activities. Dedicated to the Acquisition, Development, Production, and Discernment of ships, Weapons and tech to all who have the money to pay for it.

O.N.I. Is a neutral corporation which allies itself with none but also considers none to be their enemies. We provide Services to anyone who can pay for them.


O.N.I. Was originally part of the Caldari "Oversight Naval Intelligence" or "O.N.I." After the Gallentean war, the military refused to support its intelligence division, stating there was no longer a need for it. Many other corporations saw O.N.I. as a threat due to the fact that the war had made them extremely wealthy and powerful.

It was Ordered by conglomerate to disband. The Corporation which owned it fell into ruin and O.N.I. employee's were left to fend for themselves. One of the executives in command of O.N.I. a Deteis named Maleagant saw this as an opportunity rather than a hindrance. A chance to start anew. He seized control of O.N.I. and convinced those who had once worked with the Caldari state so closely, and then been abandoned, that it was better to stand on ones own, Unsupported and ungoverned by any nation.

This rallied the hope and support of many former naval members who had disagreed with the Caldari state on their decision to Disband O.N.I.'s Parent corporation.

The new Corporation Forgoed all ties with all nations and set itself up in the Domain Region.

This Corporation operates in the shadows and keeps to itself. Its true Power lies in its ability to keep its main forces unnoticed despite the many Titans and Dreadnaughts which lay at the corporations command. Their have been rumors that O.N.I. has discovered a way to cloak even the most massive of ships.

Like many shadow corporation's O.N.I. and its members are difficult to reach unless you know who they are and where to reach them. Be assured however, That if you seek them out they will find you.

Consider O.N.I. much like the Black Market. Everywhere and yet nowhere. Seemingly small But more Powerful than you can imagine. After all its old ties with the Caldari state afforded much knowledge and power into the ways and intelligence of the other races as well as Contacts within them all.

Dedicated to Supremacy in all areas of EvE. Industry, Combat, And Trade. Experianced and Friendly Players who have a use for every Talant, Whatever yours may be. If you want a place where you will be recognized for your abilities and talants rather than your time in corp, This is the place for you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 14:31:31
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