

OPAL - Incorporated
Name OPAL - Incorporated
Ticker OPALI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sawurmomonline
Members 2
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98617712

Members [2]


Here at O P A L Inc., we strive to deliver a friendly, resource-driven corporation for capsuleers to gain confidence and experience in the grand coliseum of EVE - ONLINE.

Our mission statement is based on the acronym OPAL, and is therefore:

Online - be sure to show presence in OPAL Inc. discord as a minimum whether AFK or active. Additionally, time spent in EVE either AFK or active is not compulsory but highly encouraged.

Persistent - whether we lose big from a singular [ships; ISK] or collective standpoint [refinery//structure-loss], we will persevere and bring swift retribution to those who aim to see us fail.

All-inclusive - No one, we repeat, NO ONE will be turned down based on sex, creed, orientation, race or otherwise unspecified quantifier of one's ID. Any and all bigotry is unwelcome here.

Living - For some of us, gaming is our life. For others, we may have lives outside of "the box". In any case, your livelihood and enjoyment of the game is paramount to us, and should you see any behaviour that warrants review or evaluation please bring it up to the appropriate party, i.e. CEO, secretary of defense, VP of finance, etc. We will be more than willing to meet halfway with most inquiries as our player-base centers around the realization of goals set forth on an individual basis: expressed inherently as the collective (corporation).

T A X - 7.5% corporation tax; ideal for our primary operation in high/mid-security space

Affiliation(s) - Please tell your friends about us!!! As of right now our membership is limited but may expand in the near future. Alternatively if you have ALLIANCE suggestions forward said detail to the appropriate party.

Welcome, godspeed, and may your target be reached.

Jade (Sawurmomonline) - Chief Executive Officer




Corporation HQ

Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant ]

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:11:49
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