

Name OX-Enterprise
Ticker OX-EN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Raven Kir
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98409401

Members [3]


u'"The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people." -Karl Marx

Greetings Capsuleer,

OX-Enterprise, for when the capusleers of New Eden desire a challenge.

OX-Enterprise is a public corporation open to industrialists and miners. With many groundbreaking opportunities available, OX-EN members stand out and excell against others! We believe that through hard work and dedication, all of our members will be able to succeed at anything.

[OX-EN] offers:
\u2022 Large growing amount of BPO\'s.
\u2022 Ore Buyback w/ 10% tax.
\u2022 Max Orca fleet boosts.
\u2022 Regular mining OP\'s.
\u2022 Experienced CEO and Directors.
\u2022 Professional and friendly environment.

With large ISK startup costs for industry, OX-EN closes the gap for its members to become self-reliant and efficent!

Recruitment: OPEN
CEO & Diplomat: Skibblez Kir '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 23:45:19
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