

Oblivion Ascendancy
Name Oblivion Ascendancy
Ticker OBLAS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Not Alfonsi Nardieu
Members 18
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98643277

Members [18]


Oblivion Ascendancy is a tight knit corporation that is part of the PvP focused alliance Federation Uprising.

We offer:
- Fleet & small-gang PvP oppertunities
- Infastructure & support programs
- Active corporation and alliance leadership
- Corporation and alliance moons

What we require:
- A good attitude
- 5M Skill Points
- ESI Check
- Active on Mumble/Discord
- Omega clone status

As a corporation we want to be able to enjoy the game, so real life is a priority. We strive to enjoy the game and make lasting friendships in the procress. If this sounds up your alley hop in our recruitment channel OBLAS Public

Alfonso Nardieu CEO/Diplo
Fjord O'Neal Head Recruiter

Links and Info

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 18:20:30
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