u'We are Oculum Mors. Latin for "The Eye of Death. Come to our temple. We offer many contracted, paid services. Listed below are our list of current services we offer, and the very affordable, 1337% professsional services of THE HIGHEST QUALITY. Contact me (CEO and Founder
Fangula Fangfu) for more information and to set up a meeting when you are interested.
\ufffc Description:
The Eye of Death. This is our temple.
Our eye targets the enemy. Death rains.
Our guarding services: include, but are not limited to: guarding clientelle from pirates/gankers while mining. This service is negotiable in price.
Our escorting services:
Prices negotiable, and are dependent upon the risk our operatives must take to ensure the safe arrival of our beloved client. To be clear, our prices of this service are largely dependent upon three conditions: 1. number of jumps escorted through safely; 2. Time is a factor; 3. The GENERAL security statuses of systems safely escorted through. A contract will be preconfigured based on these conditions.
Our Espionage/Intelligennce Operations:
Prices are dependent on difficulty of the target the Eye spies on for our client (beloved ones) (i.e. how difficult the target is to track), the amount of information client wishes to obtain, and the difficulty such information could be to obtain for our beloved one(s).
Mix and match three or more contracted services and receive 25% off all the contracted services when combined.
Other services, and big ideas are being formed and planned, cuurrently,
Note to our Beloved Ones: We are 1337% professional. We do not fuck around. We will ALWAYS carry out your missions you pay us for. '