

Ohnivak of Kybernauts
Kybernauts Clade
Name Ohnivak of Kybernauts
Ticker OHKYB
Alliance Kybernauts Clade
Faction -
Ceo Friend of Matterall
Members 29
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98663870

Members [29]


u'We are the OG Triglavian group and the only one currently living in Pochven. We\u2019re a chill group primarily in the US TZ with smaller EU/AU members looking to grow our numbers and share our wisdom with others.

What we offer:
-Small Gang PvP. Usually cheaper ships, this is a prime opportunity to learn both PvP and fleet mechanics
-Blops Fleets. For our members with more skill points, we offer blops fleets at least once a week. T3C/Bomber skills preferential.
-Pochven Content. As one of the most lucrative areas in New Eden, we can show you how to make the most of living in \u201cSpace Hell\u201d. From Mining to Flashpoint Fleets, there\u2019s no shortage of ways to make money.
-A close knit group of friends. We realize real life comes first, and all share a passion for Eve that bond us together in ways that extend beyond New Eden

What we require:
-Mature Mindsets. 18+ isn\u2019t required but insulting others, harassment or discrimination is not tolerated.
-Comms. Voice comms are required. Mics are not required but are strongly recommended. We use discord. Link provided below.
-Participation. We get it. RL always comes first. Barring that, we do have a 5 fleet a month requirement. Several fleets are run per week so getting 5 isn\u2019t difficult.
-Basic knowledge of Eve Mechanics. Eve has a steep learning curve, and Pochven is not a walk in the park even for veterans. We can teach you, but self-sufficiency to a degree is always a plus.

If you\u2019re looking for a decent group to fly with, laid back environment, and good stories, cone check us out.

For recruitment or diplomacy: Kybernauts '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 14:46:25
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