

Omega Merchant Command
Name Omega Merchant Command
Ticker .OMC.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dogzilla
Members 11
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 98376022

Members [11]


Omega Merchant Command

Dignity ~ Honor ~ Loyalty ~ Prestige ~ Power ~ Respect ~ Trust

We specializes in interstellar commerce and offer transport, mining and storage services to suit your business and personal needs.

History of OMC
Established 2000.08.29 ~ Jumpgate

OMC, previously known as Ghost Dogs assembled as Ceta wing inside OEC. GD ended its tour of duty with OEC and was established as GDOMC (Ghost Dogs Octavian Marine Command).

GDOMC, founder of O.M.A. (Octavian Military Alliance) which later merge with O.C.T. (Octavian Confederation Treaty) to eventually form the O.C.A. (Octavian Confederate Alliance).

The initials OMC became the standard for Octavian Dignity, Honor, Loyalty, Prestige and Power and after many years of exclusive Octavian service. OMC has dedicated its vision to serving all factions equally under the leadership of TRI as merchant capitailst.

~ Closed Recruitmet ATM ~

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 19:04:17
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