

OpSec Mining Incorporated
Name OpSec Mining Incorporated
Ticker OPSM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo xCausxn stonecorps
Members 11
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 98108210

Members [11]


OpSec Mining Incorporated

We took a few years off, but are back now stronger than ever - older, yet wiser!

Our Corporate Goals:

- Focus on being successful while having fun doing it
- Providing assistance to members and friends when needed most
- Understanding and empathy of real life needs
- Continous Improvement

Activities Areas of Operation
Ore/Ice/Moon Mining, Mission Running, Worm Hole HS Amarr space
Exploration, Planetary Interaction, Data Sites including Dresi, Murini & Chanoun
Relic Sites, Corporate and Alliance Roams LS Alliance space, in and
around the Bordan pentagram

Minimum Requirements Language Requirements
Positive Attitude English, Klingon (limited)
100,000 Skill Points (SP)
Omega Account Preferred
Discord with Microphone and Speakers
Common Sense and Good Sense of Humor

Time Zone Alignment
USA East to West Coast
Australia East Coast

Friendly Fire

Benefits of joining
- New and Seasoned Player Friendly
- Established EcoSystem of Industry, Mining, Missions and More
- Plentiful access to resources for you

Come say hello: OpSecMining

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:56:52
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API J:23 Feb 03:57 K:23 Feb 03:43 C:23 Feb 04:01 A:23 Feb 04:12 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:23 Feb 03:59 S:23 Feb 03:35 W:23 Feb 04:13