

Order of Cut-Throats
Name Order of Cut-Throats
Ticker OCUT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ezra Valconis
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98134658

Members [8]


\u2620\u2620\u2620Defying the laws of the empire. Let anarchy reign!\u2620\u2620\u2620

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Trying to reform a sleeping giant :)

Public/Recruiting channel - "Davy Jones\' Locker"

Cut-Throats is a pirate corp focusing on highsec ganking. We will shoot at anything not just miners and we\'re not limited to only ganking. Any form of piracy is welcome! Training for various forms of piracy and PvP available as well. We operate in and around Hek area and we like a nice friendly environment. If you don\'t want to be in our area of operation, don\'t bother joining. Make the Metropolis region your home. Be respectful to other members too. Trouble makers wont even be warned, just kicked. Teamspeak 3 is available.

Cut-Throats is NBSI.

What can you expect here

\u2022 Training (Knowledgeable and detailed guide on how "I" gank, how to make isk if new, skillbooks provided for new and alts, best ships to use, skills to train, picking your targets, execution of a gank, ect ect. Learn before you Burn)

\u2022 Daily ganks including Exhumers (Orcas and freighters with enough members).

\u2022 Lowsec PvP

\u2022 Knowledgeable and detailed guide on how "I" gank.

\u2022 Even loot splitting.

\u2022 0% Tax rate.

\u2022 Experienced leadership (Spar Multendor - Hulkageddon recognized #1 with the most miner ganks in Minmatar Highsec).

What we are looking for
\u2022 Team players
\u2022 Self sufficient
\u2022 Mature players
\u2022 Respectful player
\u2022 Following direction

Inactive members will be expeled!

If ganking/piracy might be something you are interested in drop an app, convo or mail Spar Multendor.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 19:23:22
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