

Order of the Crimson Star
Name Order of the Crimson Star
Ticker OOTCS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Shadowed Stranger
Members 1
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 925974875

Members [1]


We are few, but our causes are many. Where space is cold, and wars often unforgiving, we are there, our guns warm and ready to defend ourselves and others unable to do so.

Our purpose is greater than money or power. We fight for and uphold the code of the warrior, written by our hand in the blood of our enemies.

We are not your pirates. We are the arrow of retribution in the bow of your wrath.

If we call you friend, we will defend you to the last ship.
If we call you enemy, we will hunt you down.
If we call you nothing, then fear our guns, for we will suffer no mercy for the indifferent.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 19:44:11
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