

Path of OriiGen
Name OriiGen
Ticker ORII
Alliance Path of OriiGen
Faction -
Ceo Sorin Orii
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98319564

Members [8]


OriiG\u039eN [ORII] *Est. YC116.06.04*
Mission Statement
- Maximize the (ISK+Fun)/Time ratio for all our members
- Stop at nothing to leave our mark on the history of New Eden.

General Info
We are currently a small confederation of loosly affiliated pilots.
Presently focused on growing and retaining membership with the
long term goal of forming a cohesive unit that can compete in the
ever changing world of New Eden.

Always looking to expand our talent base:
We accept active pilots who wish to be part
of a friendly & sharing team; building a mutually beneficial
support base for all our activities in New Eden.

Looking for responsible pilots to be officers & head up various corp interests/activities:
- Recruitment & Diplo
- Exploration & PvP
- Manufacture & Industry
- Missions & Mining & PvE

Diplomacy & Recruitment
[ Sorin Orii | Ryst Padecain ]
Join our channel & inquire within: General Mischief

Who We Are(more or less)
Long term general goals:
- increase our numbers
- provide a close-knit support group
for all our members & friends

All timezones (EST heavy)
Relaxed, friendly & fun group
New/Old Player Friendly
Voice Comms
Real-life > Eve
No compulsory ops
PvE (missions / ratting / abyss / explo)
Industrial (mining / building / PI / trade)

Who You Are (more or less)
*Active Participation*

Willing to recruit at least one person
Compatible humour & sensibilities
Mature/chill attitude
Self starting/intellectually curious
Keep your ePeen in your pants

\u2551 I must not fear.
\u2551 Fear is the mind-killer.
\u2551 Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
\u2551 I will face my fear.
\u2551 I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
\u2551 And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
\u2551 Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
\u2551 Only I will remain.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 06:46:30
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