

PORUS- InterStellar Mining Corporation
Name PORUS- InterStellar Mining Corporation
Ticker PORUS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sergei Brumir
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 430937786

Members [5]



InterStellar Mining and Trading Corporation [PORUS].

P\u263cRUS, Your Company, Your Future, Your Home.

We are a Junior Industrial Mining, Production and Trading Company.

Tax Rate: 10%


Extract, Produce and Market commodities throughout the universe irrespective of the clients standing, alliance, race or corporation, We are a Free-Market Corporation.


Formed by two Miners that had an inadequate level of management/guidance by the initial corporation they were members of.


Hands off direction, unless queried by a member. This corporation is the members corporation (Republic) and not a dictatorship or democracy. Each member is individually responsible and accountable for his/her actions. If his/her actions reflect poorly on the corporation or other members, that commander will be held responsible. This corporation is operated under the philosophical belief of a Constitutional Republic.


It's not about PORUS necessarily, it is about YOU, If you are experienced as a Commander, we need you. If you are a new Commander, you need us and we want you.

P\u263cRUS Guide-On (The Mining Lion of the Minmatar Republic)

Red back drop= Minmatar bloodshed in the past and future for all freedom loving races.

Clawing Lion= Leadership, Strength, Valour and Bravery

Crescent Moon= Represents the Resources and Primary Focus of P\u263cRUS.

Ergo= P\u263cRUS maintains the History of the Minmatar Republic and promotes it to all races through Strength and Bravery. P\u263cRUS mines with the utmost concern and proper Stewardship of all Creation.

Your Company, Your Future, Your Home
P\u263cRUS Interstellar Mining and Trading Corporation."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 19:28:36
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