

Paranoid Postal Panda Syndrome
Name Paranoid Postal Panda Syndrome
Ticker 15965
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mad Panda
Members 5
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98064556

Members [5]


u'An attack is illegal in Empire Space when the player you are attacking is:

\u2022Not at war with you.
\u2022Not flagged from stealing from you or your corporation.
\u2022Not flagged for aggression towards everyone, i.e. he did not just commit an unlawful act and under a Global Criminal Countdown.
\u2022Not an outlaw (with a security standing at -5.0 or lower)
\u2022Not on your Kill Rights list, i.e. you do not have a Kill Right on him.
If all of the above apply and you successfully destroys his ship without him defending himself (using any kind of aggressive module), he will gain a Kill Right against you.

No kill rights are given against legal targets. Outlaws with a security status of -5.0 or lower, or a pilot who has performed an act of aggression are legal targets.

Your Kill Right target will show up as \u201cblinking red\u201d on your overview unless you have modified the overview to show legal targets in another way.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 20:47:42
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